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Blog post for August 2024 (and July.. and June.. and... so on)

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While upgrading the blog to Writefreely version 0.15, I noticed the last blog was dated January 2024... It seems I've been neglecting the blog and with it you, the users. Sorry!

So let's see what has happened the past 8 months:

Fedihosting Foundation

As I wrote in the last blog, we ( and I ) started a non-profit foundation for hosting our Fediverse instances. A great part of our stuff has been transferred to the foundation.

(To be clear, this blog covers the instances hosted by Ruud, not those hosted by Stux)

Meanwhile, we're still looking for volunteers / people to join us, in any of these roles: – New members of the foundation, possibly instance owners/admins, preferably Dutch. – People wanting to help hosting and think about the future of the instances – People wanting to help out moderating 1 or more of our instances

If you're interested, DM or mail to


The biggest news on the Mastodon side has been that we've taken ownership of! This instance had been setup and run by Jorijn, but he now lacks the time to run it as well as he would like, so asked us to take over and we did. Toot has around 2500 monthly active users out of 31000 total users. (Compared to 13000 monthly active out of 183000 total users)

We did notice the running costs of toot no longer were covered by their donations, and the infrastructure was overscaled, so we're planning to downgrade soon.

The other Mastodon instances have been running quite stable and growing very slightly. has been steadily growing and been performing quite well the last months. We had a major upgrade from 0.18.5 to 0.19.3 in March which went well, thanks to the preparation and hard work of the team.


Our Bookwyrm server has grown from 37 users in January to 206 users currently. The server has gotten some nice logo's and banners designed by, and has been helping out moderating the instance.


I had a Pixelfed instance but wanted a '.world' version, so in February we installed a Pixelfed instance at It hasn't got too many users yet, so if you want to try a Federated alternative to Instagram, just try it!

Sharkey / Firefish (Calckey)

Our 'Calckey gone Firefish' instance has grown to over 700 users. But there has been (and still is) some uncertainty about the future of Firefish, which prompted us to install another Misskey fork in January: Sharkey. Of course it's at I personally like it better than Firefish or Misskey, I even re-installed my personal instance ( using Sharkey.


We haven't updated you on the finances since January. Let's sum things up: – Costs have slightly gone up, and from July we've started some cost-cutting – Donations have been going down every month (together with number of active users going down) – We've taken over, and also the donation platforms for it. Their donations don't cover the total running costs, plans for scaling down are in testing phase now. – In August, we saw a yearly subscription for Cloudflare renewing (which we'll replace with Fastly hopefully before the next renewal..) – Also in August, we discovered that the Fastly payments foor failed in the last 3 months, so we had to pay that at once. (When downscaling, we'll also migrate it to our foundation's free Fastly account)

Due to the last 2 points, August costs were about 400,– higher then they should normally be. Apart from that, the cost cuttings have worked and will be even better after t.c migration.

Here's the totals for the past 3 months:

Costs June: EUR 2424,80 Costs July: EUR 1953,45 Costs August: EUR 2368,11

Donations June: EUR 2214,16 Donations July: EUR 1971,84 Donations August: EUR 2061,51

And for those interested, these were the costs in August: – Foundation 50,- – Wasabi 94,50 – Wasabi others 226,74 – Hetzner 284,79 – Hetzner others 1116,83 – Fastly (3 months): 190,07 – Cloudflare (yearly): 232,85 – Namecheap: 2,41 – DigitalOcean: 18,30 – Donations to Mastodon and Lemmy: 99,22 – Backblaze: 2,84 – Borgbase: 16,92 – Mailgun: 32,64

As a reminder, might you want to support our instances, you can do so at any of these platforms: KoFi ( Liberapay ( OpenCollective ( Patreon (

Read the whole story
42 days ago
As I wrote in the last blog, we ( and I ) started a non-profit foundation for hosting our Fediverse instances. A great part of our stuff has been transferred to the foundation.
(To be clear, this blog covers the instances hosted by Ruud, not those hosted by Stux)
Meanwhile, we're still looking for volunteers / people to join us, in any of these roles: – New members of the foundation, possibly instance owners/admins, preferably Dutch. – People wanting to help hosting and think about the future of the instances – People wanting to help out moderating 1 or more of our instances
If you're interested, DM or mail to
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RubyKaigi direct to your living room

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#​717 — August 29, 2024

Read on the Web

Ruby Weekly

▶  The RubyKaigi 2024 Talks — RubyKaigi, essentially Ruby’s ‘home’ conference in Japan, took place in May, and now you can enjoy it from wherever you are. With a mix of Japanese and English language talks, there are some great talks worth your time, including Vinicius Stock on the state of Ruby dev tooling, Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert on breaking the Ruby performance barrier, Koichi Sasada on Ractors, Takashi Kokubun explaining how YJIT makes Rails faster, and Emma Haruka Iwao showing off Ruby’s role in a world record Pi-calculation attempt.


💡 If you've got the time, there's also an interesting hour-long panel session with the team of Ruby committers answering questions about Ruby and its implementation.

Turn Your Logs into Structured Events with Honeybadger — Honeybadger's new logging platform is a bit like Splunk, DataDog, or CloudWatch Logs, but with just the good parts and a price you can afford. Plus, it's easy to integrate with Rails, Heroku, Hatchbox,, Render, and more.

Honeybadger sponsor

Nine Ways to Run System Commands in Ruby — There’s a lot of ways to run external processes from a Ruby program. I’m a bit of a sucker for backticks in the simplest of cases, but Kirill says Open3.popen3 is the robust option for most situations.

Kirill Shevchenko

Easy to Overlook Postgres Performance Issues in Rails Apps — Performance issues at the Postgres layer usually start to manifest only when your app reaches a certain scale. Luckily, Paweł shares some easy-to-miss database config tweaks and common problems with us.

Paweł Urbanek


How to Structure Your Rails Views and Partials for More Maintainable Code — A look at the balances and tradeoffs to be made when determining what goes where in your views, and when to use full views versus partials.

Garrett Dimon

Supercharge Your Rails Logs with Tags — Rails logs can be hard to search, but you can introduce tags to add context and quickly filter to get what you need.

Justin Toniazzo (Thoughtbot)

Inside the Decision Room: How Standard Ruby Updates Its Rules 🤔 — Test Double curates Rubocop rules each month to boost readability and reduce errors—who keeps Standard updated and how.

Test Double sponsor

📄 How to Save a 'Recently Viewed' List of Pages with Stimulus and localStorage Simon Chiu

📄 An Introduction to Omakub, DHH's Curated Ubuntu Environment David Eastman

📄 13 Years of Building Infrastructure Control Planes in Ruby Daniel Farina

📄 Top Ten git Tips and Tricks Julie Kent

🛠 Code & Tools

Victor 0.5: A Ruby DSL for Building SVG Images — Much as there are libraries to construct XML or HTML using Ruby code, this is for creating vector graphics. Write Ruby, save SVG. The docs have a variety of examples of its power, including rendering a checkers board in an object oriented way. GitHub repo.

Danny Ben Shitrit

Allgood: A Health Check Page for Your Rails App — Quickly add a /healthcheck page to a Rails app that shows simple things like database and Redis connectivity, disk space and memory usage, etc.

Javi Rameerez

Rails + AI: Turn Ideas into Apps. Book a Meeting — Struggling with AI integration in Rails? We use (OpenAI, Claude, AWS Bedrock etc) to build amazing Rails apps. Let's discuss.

reinteractive::Custom AI integrations with RoR sponsor

MiniSql: A Minimal, Safe SQL Executor for Postgres and SQLite — Makes things nicer if you’re using pg or SQLite. If you get tangled up in the occasionally crufty native APIs for those, this could help ease things a bit.


Pundit 2.4 Released: Pure Ruby Authorization Library — A set of helpers to guide you in using regular Ruby classes and OO design patterns to build robust and scalable authorization systems.


ActionMailer Balancer 1.1: Send Mail Through One of Several Methods — If you need to migrate to a new mail provider or otherwise want to spread load between multiple providers, this could be a big help.


Vacuum 4.2: Amazon Product Advertising API Client — Amazon’s Product Advertising API lets you obtain Amazon product prices, details, etc. via an API.

Hakan Ensari


Principal Full-Stack Rails Engineer (Remote) — Ruby FinTech w +10yr Track Record. NVDA, Bitcoin ETFs, Retirement Income, you name it. Helping investors research their options.
Mitre Media

Read the whole story
42 days ago
RubyKaigi, essentially Ruby’s ‘home’ conference in Japan, took place in May, and now you can enjoy it from wherever you are. With a mix of Japanese and English language talks, there are some great talks worth your time, including Vinicius Stock on the state of Ruby dev tooling, Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert on breaking the Ruby performance barrier, Koichi Sasada on Ractors, Takashi Kokubun explaining how YJIT makes Rails faster, and Emma Haruka Iwao showing off Ruby’s role in a world record Pi-calculation attempt.
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Community input drives the new draft of the Open Source AI Definition

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A new version of the Open Source AI Definition has been released with one new feature and a cleaner text, based on comments received from public discussions and recommendations. We’re continuing our march towards having a stable release by the end of October 2024, at All Things Open. Get involved by joining the discussion on the forum, finding OSI staff around the world and online at the weekly town halls. 

New feature: clarified Open Source model and Open Source weights

  • Under “What is Open Source AI,” there is a new paragraph that (1) identifies both models and weights/parameters as encompassed by the word “system” and (2) makes it clear that all components of a larger system have to meet the standard. There is a new sentence in the paragraph after the “share” bullet making this point.
  • Under the heading “Open Source models and Open Source weights,” there is a description of the components for both of those for machine learning systems. We also edited the paragraph below those additions to eliminate some redundancy.

Training data in the preferred form to make modifications

The role of training data is one of the most hotly debated parts of the definition. After long deliberation and co-design sessions we have concluded that defining training data as a benefit, not a requirement, is the best way to go.

Training data is valuable to study AI systems: to understand the biases that have been learned, which can impact system behavior. But training data is not part of the preferred form for making modifications to an existing AI system. The insights and correlations in that data have already been learned.

Data can be hard to share. Laws that permit training on data often limit the resharing of that same data to protect copyright or other interests. Privacy rules also give a person the rightful ability to control their most sensitive information, such as decisions about their health. Similarly, much of the world’s Indigenous knowledge is protected through mechanisms that are not compatible with later-developed frameworks for rights exclusivity and sharing.

  • Open training data  (data that can be reshared) provides the best way to enable users to study the system, along with the preferred form of making modifications.
  • Public training data  (data that others can inspect as long as it remains available) also enables users to study the work, along with the preferred form.
  • Unshareable non-public training data  (data that cannot be shared for explainable reasons) gives the ability to study some of the systems biases and demands a detailed description of the data – what it is, how it was collected, its characteristics, and so on – so that users can understand the biases and categorization underlying the system.

OSI believes these extra requirements for data beyond the preferred form of making modifications to the AI system both advance openness in all the components of the preferred form of modifying the AI system and drive more Open Source AI in private-first areas such as healthcare.

Other changes

  • The Checklist is separated into its own document. This is to separate the discussion about how to identify Open Source AI from the establishment of general principles in the Definition. The content of the Checklist has also been fully aligned with the Model Openness Framework (MOF), allowing for an easy overlay.
  • Under “Preferred form to make modifications,” the word “Model” changed to “Weights.” The word “Model”  was referring only to parameters, and was inconsistent with how the word “model” is used in the rest of the document.
  • There is an explicit reference to the intended recipients of the four freedoms: developers, deployers and end users of AI systems.
  • Incorporated credit to the Free Software Definition.
  • Added references to conditions of availability of components, referencing the Open Source Definition.

Next steps

  • Continue iterating through drafts after meeting diverse stakeholders at the worldwide roadshow, collect feedback and carefully look for new arguments in dissenting opinions. 
  • Decide how to best address the reviews of new licenses for datasets, documentation and the agreements governing model parameters.
  • Keep improving the FAQ.
  • Prepare for post-stable-release: Establish a process to review future versions of the Open Source AI Definition.

Collecting input and endorsements

We will be taking draft v.0.0.9 on the road collecting input and endorsements, thanks to a grant by the Sloan Foundation. The lively conversation about the role of data in building and modifying AI systems will continue at multiple conferences from around the world, the weekly town halls and online throughout the Open Source community. 

The first two stops are in Asia: Hong Kong for AI_dev August 21-23, then Beijing for Open Source Congress August 25-27. Other events are planned to take place in Africa, South America, Europe and North America. These are all steps toward the conclusion of the co-design process that will result in the release of the stable version of the Definition in October at All Things Open

Creating an Open Source AI Definition is an arduous task over the past two years, but we know the importance of creating this standard so the freedoms to use, study, share and modify AI systems can be guaranteed. Those are the core tenets of Open Source, and it warrants the dedicated work it has required. You can read about the people who have played key roles in bringing the Definition to life in our Voices of Open Source AI Definition on the blog

How to get involved

The OSAID co-design process is open to everyone interested in collaborating. There are many ways to get involved:

  • Join the forum: share your comment on the drafts.
  • Leave comment on the latest draft: provide precise feedback on the text of the latest draft.
  • Follow the weekly recaps: subscribe to our monthly newsletter and blog to be kept up-to-date.
  • Join the town hall meetings: we’re increasing the frequency to weekly meetings where you can learn more, ask questions and share your thoughts.
  • Join the workshops and scheduled conferences: meet the OSI and other participants at in-person events around the world.
ATO Workshop
One of the many OSAID workshops organized by the OSI around the world
Read the whole story
42 days ago
A new version of the Open Source AI Definition has been released with one new feature and a cleaner text, based on comments received from public discussions and recommendations. We’re continuing our march towards having a stable release by the end of October 2024, at All Things Open. Get involved by joining the discussion on the forum, finding OSI staff around the world and online at the weekly town halls.
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What's in Store at RustConf 2024

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This year, the Rust Foundation is excited to host RustConf for the first time in Montreal, Canada, and online from September 10-13, 2024. Just a few weeks remain!

What to Expect #

RustConf 2024 will feature talks covering various topics within open source and Rust.

Some key themes include:

  • Security: Rust’s role in enhancing security, including making open source secure by design, memory-safety across foreign function boundaries, and “X-safety” in unsafe environments.
  • Performance and Optimization: Rust’s compiler performance, low-overhead observability, and profile-guided optimization.
  • Rust in New and Exciting Places: Rust’s growing impact in industries like game development, robotics, space missions, and 3D design.

We are also looking forward to a handful of sessions about the Rust community’s growth and collaboration, Rust’s integration with other languages, and the future roadmap of the language. There are a total of four exciting keynote talks, which you can learn more about here:

Find the complete lineup of talks and the official schedule for RustConf here:

Learn more about RustConf and Rust Global speakers and workshop hosts here:

Workshops #

For those joining in person, there are three optional hands-on workshops on September 10th before the official start of the conference.

Workshop 1: Run Your Rust Code on Embedded and On the Web

Instructor: Carl Kadie

This workshop will teach you how to run Rust code on web browsers and embedded devices using WebAssembly and “no_std” environments. The focus will be on adapting Rust applications to different platforms and reintegrating essential library features for consistent functionality.

Workshop 2: Real World Testing in Rust

Instructor: Jorge Ortiz Fuentes

This workshop is for anyone seeking practical experience testing realistic applications. Participants will use a REST API implemented with Axum to write meaningful tests using standard tools and crates, making them suitable for real-world unit testing scenarios.

Workshop 3: Unleash Your Computer’s Power with Rust - Safely

Instructor: Herbert Wolverson

The workshop aims to show the value of Rust despite its complexity. Participants will learn to efficiently distribute workloads, communicate asynchronously, and utilize their computer’s capabilities using Rust’s safety features. The session will also explain Rust’s unique system safety and error prevention approach.

Interested in registering for a workshop? There are only a few slots left, so sign up for a workshop while you can! You can add one to your existing order or register for the first time with a workshop here. Just select “Get tickets”. Workshops cost $250.

Virtual Experience #

If you can’t attend in person this year, you can still join for the free virtual RustConf. Once you register for RustConf, we’ll send you a link to join our dedicated Discord server a week before the event. On Discord, you’ll find information about livestreams, opportunities for Q&A, and the chance to interact with other attendees and speakers. The virtual platform will not only be an essential tool for those joining us remotely, but also for those onsite interested in asking our speakers questions, capturing their experience, and making lasting connections with other attendees and sponsors.

Rust Global: #

Rust Global is a Rust Foundation-hosted half-day event taking place on Friday, September 13th. The event will feature talks and discussions about the use of Rust in enterprise, government, and global leadership settings. It will be free for anyone with a Nonprofit or Industry/Government ticket (while capacity remains). Learn more on the registration page.

We are thrilled to share that Rust Foundation security Engineer Walter Pearce has just been announced as the final Rust Global speaker! Learn more about Walter’s talk and the complete lineup of Rust Global sessions here:

RustConf “UnConference”: #

On Friday, September 13th, from 9am to 3pm, RustConf will feature the much-loved, freeform “UnConf” event, which is dedicated to open dialogue about the Rust Project after the main programming concludes. The UnConference is free and open to anyone with a RustConf ticket.

Full Schedule:


Low Ticket Warning #

RustConf tickets are going fast! If you plan to join us in Montreal, be sure to grab your spot before they're gone!. Register here.

See You in September! #

Whether you are attending RustConf in Montreal or remotely from wherever you live, the Rust Foundation + RustConf team can’t wait to host you at this annual gathering of the Rustacean community 🦀

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42 days ago
This year, the Rust Foundation is excited to host RustConf for the first time in Montreal, Canada, and online from September 10-13, 2024. Just a few weeks remain!
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Debian Celebrates 31 years!

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Debian 31 years by Daniel Lenharo

As the expression goes, "Time flies when you are having fun", meaning you do not normally account for the passage of time when you are distracted and enjoying yourself. The expression is a well established English idiom, though today for a moment the Debian Project pauses to reflect on that expression.

It has been 31 years now that we have been around.

It has been 31 amazing years of fun and amazement in watching the world around us grow and ourselves grow into the world.

Let us tell you, we have had a great time in doing so.

We have been invited to nearly every continent and country for over 25 Debian Developer Conferences, we have contributed to the sciences with our Debian Pure Blends; we have not given up on or discounted aged hardware with Long Term Support (LTS); we have encouraged and sponsored diversity with our Outreach Programs. We have contributed to exploration of this lovely planet and the vast vacuum of space (where no one hears Developers scream).

There is more to what we have done but from a cursory glance, we seem to have done it all.

But we never noticed it.

Time does fly or "escape irretrievably" when having a good time and making progress, though our pause at this moment is that we have also had a few moments of honest self-evaluation and reflection. Over the years the project has lost some significant loved ones who were dear to us - you may have called them Developers while we called them Friends, we called them Mentors, we hurt, we grieved, and in their memories we keep moving forward.

The course of the project has seen a few tragedies, has seen heated discourse in the public domain, has addressed and weathered concerns, and has still continually grown.

And we did that in the public sphere, because at the core this is an open project. Our code is public, our bugs and failings are public, our communications are public, our meetings are public, and our love of FLOSS is most definitely public.

And now more than ever the Debian Project realizes that the "we" that is sprinkled throughout this letter is just another way of saying: "you". You, the user, contributor, sponsor, developer, maintainer, bug squasher; all of you make the WE that is Debian. So what are WE waiting for? Lets celebrate!

Join the worldwide celebration or find an event local to you by visiting our DebianDay events page - see you there!

Read the whole story
42 days ago
As the expression goes, "Time flies when you are having fun", meaning you do not normally account for the passage of time when you are distracted and enjoying yourself. The expression is a well established English idiom, though today for a moment the Debian Project pauses to reflect on that expression.
It has been 31 years now that we have been around.
It has been 31 amazing years of fun and amazement in watching the world around us grow and ourselves grow into the world.
Let us tell you, we have had a great time in doing so.
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Introducing Khan Academy’s New Intro to Computer Science Course with Python

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By Kim Merrill, Sr. Computer Science Content Creator

The Khan Academy team is excited to announce the release of our new Intro to Computer Science course, which teaches the fundamentals of programming in Python. This course is packed with innovative features and engaging content, making it an ideal addition to beginner computer science classrooms for the 2024-25 school year. Here’s why this course is a game changer for both educators and learners.

What’s new and unique?

Our new course introduces students to programming through a series of projects that demonstrate the exciting ways programming can be applied to real-world problems. From building recommendation engines to modeling infectious diseases to templating web pages, students will build a diverse portfolio of projects that address relevant, real-world issues. Each unit presents a new theme such as simulations, data science, or game design, so that every student can connect with a motivation.

Drawing from a decade of industry experience, this course focuses on important skills that students will need outside of the classroom, including practical problem solving, collaboration, and program design. It spirals in debugging strategies, code-readability conventions, and design patterns, so that students learn how to write quality, future-proof code that works and can be used by others. The course also includes a rare program-design video series in which students work alongside a professional software engineer as they break down problems, define user requirements, and develop working prototypes.

How this course supports learners

Our modular programming challenges are designed to meet students at their individual learning edges, providing scaffolded instructions and continuous, automated feedback to ensure all students can progress without getting stuck. In addition, each challenge offers several open-ended extensions to spark students’ curiosity and push their knowledge even further.

Our instructional materials inline tons of interactive example programs that students can run, modify, and experiment with in order to develop a deeper understanding of each concept. Our CS community allows learners to seek help from expert volunteers, get inspired by others, and showcase their own creations in our program gallery.

Why educators should consider this course

Khan Academy’s Intro to Computer Science course is designed to get students coding from the very first lesson. Our custom, web-based development environment provides all the necessary tools for writing, running, and debugging code, eliminating the need for any time-consuming setup. This seamless user experience works across devices, allowing students to continue their learning on laptops, tablets, or mobile devices, whether they’re in school or at home.

The post Introducing Khan Academy’s New Intro to Computer Science Course with Python appeared first on Khan Academy Blog.

Read the whole story
42 days ago
The Khan Academy team is excited to announce the release of our new Intro to Computer Science course, which teaches the fundamentals of programming in Python. This course is packed with innovative features and engaging content, making it an ideal addition to beginner computer science classrooms for the 2024-25 school year. Here’s why this course is a game changer for both educators and learners.
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